Monday, November 24, 2008


In Act 4 Scene 1, “The Taming of the Shrew” by William Shakespeare, Petruccio provides enough descriptive details about the setting of his house along the country side in the play. It must cold outside Petruccio’s house because he is asking his servants to make dinner for his new wife, Kate.
Grumio: “Why, therefore fire, for I have caught extreme cold. Where’s the cook? Is supper ready, the house trimmed, rushes strewed, cobwebs swept, the servingmen in their new fustian, white stockings, and every officer his wedding garment on?”
Curtis: “All ready. And therefore, I pray thee, news.”
Petruccio is unhappy with his cooks because they do not have his supper ready when he wants to eat. He tells his servants to light a fire because of the extreme cold outside and does not want his wife to get sick. He wants her to be treated right and get perfection. Curtis lets him know that the cooks are already cooking and it shouldn’t be much longer. Kate wants him to be patience and the warm food will come to comfort them. This lets the readers know that the setting for the play is cold right now as the characters are asking for hot food.

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